Posted by Allen Czermak on

It’s something we take for granted every week. We place our plastic trash bags in garbage cans, and once or twice a week we push them to the curb for pickup. Sometimes it might be a local municipality or a private service that hauls away your trash. Either way, there is a lot that goes into trash pickup and it’s none other than the garbage men who are the unspoken heroes. I prefer to call these talented professionals, sanitation engineers instead of trash collectors. Even for all the money in the world, I doubt you could keep the job for...

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Posted by Allen Czermak on

The very first time I tried zip lock plastic bags was a bit over twenty years ago when I noticed my new daughter-in-law using them. We always speak about being frugal, so I was quite surprised that she splurged on this type of plastic storage bag. After I began using this type of plastic storage bag myself, I realized something, I was preserving and keeping food way longer than I used to and saving money!  Food storage bags have come a long way since I discovered them twenty years ago. They are the go-to bag for food storage and way...

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Posted by Allen Czermak on

How businesses are joining in to clean up the plastic waste filled oceans  We have written in the past about the amazing volunteers who spend thousands of dollars of their own money traveling to far away locations such as Alaska to collect millions of tons of plastic waste. Some of this waste ends up in landfills or gets recycled to some degree. But not all the plastic disposables get recycled. Only about twenty percent is recycled with the other eighty percent put into landfills or back into the ocean.  Each American produces over four pounds of trash per day which...

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Posted by Allen Czermak on

Who would expect an article on an out of control of garbage conundrum, to be the result of a peruse through the latest addition of Eating Well Magazine? (October 2020). Yet one never can tell where inspiration will come from, especially when it concerns cleaning up the oceans and tackling issues like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. To relax, I subscribe to several food-oriented magazines which I receive for free or at exceptionally low prices mostly due to postage. This month's issue, of Eating Well (October, 2020) has a short but fascinating article called, “Guardians of the Coast” about a hero...

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Posted by Allen Czermak on

You’ve been using plenty of plastic garbage bags and changing them often, lots of plastic food storage bags of different sizes, for your food to keep sterile, and loads of plastic cutlery, plates and tablecloths when you must be with other families. These routines have reduced the chances of COVID-19 transmission from person to person. In fact, nursing homes are claiming a reduction in routine infections since implementing the more stringent sterilization, mask and glove wearing regulations. Now that the schools are beginning to open, how are they going to ensure the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infections?  There...

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